You can’t hop back on only when it suits you.

We all know the old adage that once you learn to ride a bike you can ride a bike forever even if you haven’t done it for a while.

Networking isn’t the same easy street.

A data base of people that you can access from time to time when it suits your personal purpose.

I got copied on a mass LinkedIn e mail from somebody that I had met in the past.

It wasn’t the first one and it won’t be the last.

It reminded me of a presentation I heard recently from a direct marketing expert that shared that while targeting was the Holy Grail in e mail marketing it was a lot easier to press a key today looking for low hanging fruit.

The opposite of smart networking today.

Yet many people operate that way in their networking lives hoping for the quick hit and its elixir.

He shared with all copied that his game for the past few years was focusing on his business which was acquired. Sounded like he had a successful ride.

But now he was open to all the ways we can all help him. Find him the next big thing.

He acknowledged that he hadn’t been very active with networking because he was busy with his business which is often code for I was thinking of myself.

To build empathy he said he missed us.

In the networking world of today absence does not make the heart grow fonder.

I smiled and remembered the time I met him a number of years ago.

The enthusiast of that meeting and the promises of more.

I remember over the years reaching out to him to ask a simple question or an email address and there was the pause and silence of nothing.

I had a coffee with a stranger today.

I shared the first half of my story and she filled in the rest.

I guess she had a similar experience in her life as many people do.

Somebody commented on one of my networking posts the other day.  Impressive education and background. He lives in South America. This is what he said.

Yes I read a recent blog of yours and I totally agree.  Made me realize that I only maintain my network alive when changing jobs instead it should be a constant mindset and sharing experiences.

I am going out for a bike ride.

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