What Impact Do You Have on Your Company?

I recently read or dreamt about how employees will be evaluated in the future. The article basically outlined that employees will not be assessed based on what they functionally do but how they impact their company. That’s an interesting concept. Making your personal...

Why Reinvention is a Virtual Necessity.

I recently wrote a blog called Out of the Game which outlined the importance of staying current and connected on your career path and personal development. There used to be an expression I would hear quite often.  “They are a dinosaur.”  It was really a description of...

It's Not About Who You Know. It's About Who Knows You.

I was having dim sum the other day with Debbie Moysychyn a consummate networker.  Debbie shared one of her networking truism that resonated with me.  She said, “It is Not About Who You Know. It’s Who Knows You.” I let that sink in while I was having a bite of Har Gau....

The Opposite of Networking is Not Working.

I network and speak on networking often.  I included a truism that somebody sent me years ago in a recent blog I wrote on The Currencies of Networking.  It was that “The Opposite of Networking is Not Working.”  My thanks to the person who sent me that a few years ago....

The Currencies of Networking.

I listened to a webinar today put on by Keith Ferrazi a master networker.  He wrote a book published in 2005 called Never Eat Alone. I think I bought it at Borders. That was before the world melted and we moved to the New Normal except for Borders.  That was a very...

Hot and Cold Networking Doesn't Work

Hot and Cold Networking Doesn’t Work. The new Jobs Report came out yesterday and the report wasn’t too cheerful. Very tepid job growth. That’s life in the New Normal. We live in a world with an unemployment rate of 8.2% in the U.S. My friend Lynn Marie Hammond...

The New Employer Employee Dance.

While travelling recently I read a new survey in USA Today Snapshots on Loyalty Gap perceptions between Employers and Employees.  It shared that 59% of employers in 2011 felt that they were very loyal to their employees and that percentage had increased from 52% in...

Successful Companies Will Train Their Employees to Network..

In the New Normal we live in a world where companies are cash rich but are slow to hire and banks are more liquid than they have ever been in decades but don’t lend money. Companies want loyal and motivated employees but will fire people at the drop of a hat....

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